Sixth Form welcomes best-selling author & broadcaster Tim Marshall
It was a pleasure to welcome Tim Marshall to our iconic Holst Hall for a special lecture with our Sixth Form students.
The best-selling author, journalist and broadcaster gave a fascinating and wide-ranging talk covering geopolitics across the globe and into space, providing expert insight into an ever-changing world and exciting future.
Speaking of the visit, Zoha (Year 12), said: “A much-awaited day for my fellow geographers and I – the chance to meet Tim Marshall: an individual whose commentary on foreign affairs and diplomacy has captivated me ever since I read ‘Prisoners of Geography’.
“With contemporary geopolitical conflict in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and Taiwan along with the multitude of national elections taking place this year, his talk delved into why 2024 will be an integral year in shaping the geopolitical landscape.
“The most intriguing argument Marshall proposed was the transition of global power from the hands of many to those of just China and the USA. Through the discussion of the USA’s recovery from their unsuccessful invasions of both Vietnam and Afghanistan, and China’s determination to take control of Taiwan and the South China Sea, Marshall proved the relentless undertakings of these nations to establish themselves as dominant global forces.
“Marshall concluded by discussing the future of geopolitics as space becomes the latest site of international competition and cooperation, posing the question of how nations will navigate this untouched territory to shape the burgeoning scene of geopolitics. The timing of this talk was apt in assisting our understanding as the pivotal geopolitical year of 2024 unfolds.”