In Sixth Form, tutor groups consist of a mix of Year 12 and Year 13 students, enabling pupils to learn from and guide their peers, enriching the experience for everyone. Year 13 students are often best placed to provide study, work and future pathway advice to eager, inquisitive Year 12s, in addition to our team of experienced and knowledgeable tutors.
Tutor time includes discussions and activities focused on unfamiliar issues; learning, debating and becoming aware about topics beyond chosen A Levels enhances pupils’ transferable skills in a supportive and safe learning environment.

Pastoral care is central to everything we do and pupils know that there is a watertight support network and surroundings in which they can try out their own voices and begin to feel their way through what is important to them.
Sixth Form pupils are encouraged to regularly take time to consider and reflect on their own well-being. This could be during Assemblies, study periods, tutor time or at one of our popular co-curricular clubs. These occasions give pupils opportunities to reflect on their experiences, their place in the various and diverse communities around them and how to prepare themselves for life beyond school.
In order to prepare students for the next phase of their journey, we also work with the organisation Happy Space, to provide information and guidance that will help students through the transition to university or other post-JAGS destinations. We are proud of our association with Happy Space and consider the health, social, pastoral and financial advice that they provide to be incredibly important.
JAGS is committed to ensuring the welfare and safety of all our pupils and staff. We believe that our pupils have the right to learn in a happy, caring and safe environment, and this includes the right to protection from all types of abuse. JAGS recognises that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, and all staff receive regular training; they are alert for signs of any pupils in distress and are confident about applying safeguarding processes.
Any concerns about the safety or well-being of someone at our school should be raised with the School’s Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Rhona Muir or Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSL) Anna Lipcynska, Faye Freeman, Tommy Foster, Kerri-Anne Bahth and Elizabeth Channon.
Safeguarding Contacts
Rhona Muir –
Anna Lipcynska –
Faye Freeman –
Tommy Foster –
Kerri-Anne Bahth –
Elizabeth Channon –
Rhona Muir –
Anna Lipcynska –
Faye Freeman –
Tommy Foster –
Kerri-Anne Bahth –
Elizabeth Channon –

PSHCE is delivered through our Sixth Form lecture programme and tutor time sessions. A wide range of topics are covered through talks and discussion-based activities in order to ensure that pupils are well equipped for the issues of today and tomorrow. Talks are delivered by in-house specialists and a variety of external speakers.
Support comes in many forms in the Sixth Form, and pupils have numerous people they can turn to for help or a guiding hand. Firstly, there are Form Tutors, as well as Heads of Year and Head of Section. There are also members of staff dedicated to helping pupils with careers and higher education decisions, as well as specialist members of staff for applying to university abroad.
We also have two counsellors who aim to provide young people with an opportunity to express their concerns in a supportive and non-judgemental environment, and to help them to find their own ways of addressing their difficulties.