We award scholarships to recognise outstanding academic potential or the ability to excel in art, music and sport at JAGS.
We award scholarships to those who have performed well in the entrance examination and who have demonstrated a particular talent in one or more disciplines. Invitation to a scholarship assessment is therefore dependent both on a candidate’s performance in their entrance assessment and on their talent in their chosen discipline, as detailed in their application.
Academic scholarships are awarded each year for 11+ and 13+ entry, based on the results of the Senior School Entrance Examination. 11+ and 13+ Scholarships are also offered for Music, Art and Sporting talent. Our scholarships are valued at £1,000 per annum, to be deducted from the school fees. Music scholarship awards may include fees for up to two instruments, at the discretion of the Head. Please note you may also apply for a bursary to help with the school fees (for 11+ and 16+ only).
We award Academic Sixth Form scholarships based on GCSE results; candidates may also apply for Art and Music scholarships when registering and these are awarded following assessment.
Before applying for an Art, Music or Sports scholarship, please ensure that you have first registered your daughter for possible entry to JAGS in September 2025, via our registration page, before the relevant deadline.
Scholarship application forms are available here.
The Application deadline for 11+ and 13+ scholarships is 4pm on 30 November 2024. The deadline for Sixth Form Scholarships is 15 October 2024.
You do not need to apply for an Academic scholarship; invitation to attend an Academic Scholarship assessment (11+) or interview (13+) is dependent on performance in our entrance assessments. Sixth Form Academic Scholarships are dependent on GCSE results and are at the discretion of the Head.
To view our Scholarship Facts Sheets please continue to scroll down.