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Introducing . . . Ben Gould, Head of Economics

We are delighted to welcome Ben Gould to JAGS as our new Head of Economics

Speaking of the new role, Ben said: “Joining JAGS as Head of Economics is an exciting and daunting role! In an ever-changing economic landscape, I hope to help support critical, analytical thinking by providing structure, opportunity to discover, and a sense of fun in the classroom. Already, I have been asked some incredibly challenging and insightful questions by our bright, inquisitive students.

“I rarely stop thinking about economic, political and social issues, as is demonstrated by the array of media shared into students’ ‘Articles’ channel on Teams. I have already ‘blessed’ their feeds with videos on topics such as the pay structure in tennis and the environmental dangers of fast fashion, as well as news of the future of the Mini Plant in Oxford – products of my evenings spent reading, watching, and trying to learn more.

“Coming from Winchester College, I hope to bring the holistic approach to supporting students that is necessary at a boarding school to a different environment. I’ve already seen how keen students are to engage with every aspect of school life, showing a passion for life and learning – I can’t wait to become even more a part of it.”

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