JAGS Bursary Fund
JAGS is one of the leading schools in the UK for our support of a large number of bursary students, and currently around 17% of the Senior School students receive financial support. The school is committed to our bursary provision and sees this as a strategic priority.
Our aim is to fill our school with bright, talented individuals, and we are proud that this ongoing commitment to bursary provision allows us to offer outstanding educational opportunities to students regardless of their financial circumstances. Over the years, hundreds of bursaries have been awarded, positively transforming the lives of so many students. Many of these students have gone on to do remarkable things, shaping and changing the world we live in. But we want to do so much more. We are now are reaching out to the JAGS community of alumnae, current and former parents, staff and former staff and friends to ask for your support. Please donate – your support is so important to us. Thank you.
Please contact development@jags.org.uk or call 020 8693 1181
Regular Giving. Join the 1741 Club Today
Single Giving
Bursary Fundraising
Why support us?
A message from the Head, Mrs Alex Hutchinson
We are extremely grateful for gifts of all sizes as they make a significant difference.
‘’JAGS is a school with a profound social conscience, and championing social awareness is one of our key school aims. We are absolutely committed to our bursary provision, with around 17% of the Senior School students receiving significant fee assistance. This covers not only tuition but uniform, lunches, trips, clubs and activities to ensure that all members of our community have equal access to opportunity and to the complete JAGS experience. This deeply embedded ethos of bursary provision is testament to the vision and commitment of Heads and Governors who have gone before me, and it remains a central strand of our future vision and Strategic School Development Plan. We know that our community is enriched by this philosophy and are proud that 140 students in the Senior School receive transformational fee assistance via our Bursary Fund.
Since 1741, JAGS has provided an exceptional education and our aim is that this should be open to all who will thrive in this environment of educational enrichment.

We want to do more, yet JAGS is dependent on philanthropic support to help increase the number of bursaries we can offer. We are extremely grateful for gifts of all sizes as they make a significant difference. Your support is so important to us and can help transform the lives of even more students in the future. Thank you”
Head, Mrs Alex Hutchinson
Regular Giving. Join the 1741 Club Today
Single Giving
Our Bursary Provision
Currently we are oversubscribed with bursary applicants and it is essential that our bursary funding is sustainable. This will ensure that the JAGS world-class education is accessible to everyone, not just to those whose families can afford the fees.
A total of £2.6m was awarded to bursaries in 2022-23 and a further £300k towards other support including school trips, lunch, uniforms, exams and travel.
Currently, funding for bursaries comes primarily from the annual distribution from the Dulwich Estate, investment income and surpluses generated by JAGS Community Enterprises Limited, the School’s non-charitable trading company. Every penny goes back into bursaries, but it is not sufficient to cover the growing cost of our programme of fee assistance.
It is essential to ensure that increased funding can continue to be made available throughout a pupil’s school career and this is why fundraising and financial support from the JAGS community are so vital in ensuring our bursary provision is securely funded for future generations.
JAGS is a registered charity. Charity number 1124853.
The 1741 Club
Join our 1741 Club today
Our brand new 1741 Club is open to current and former pupils, parents, staff, former staff, Governors, friends and those wishing to support JAGS bursaries on an ongoing basis, regardless of the amount you choose to donate and how often.
We are committed to sustaining our bursary provision and believe a JAGS education should be available to many more bright and talented students for years to come. Founded by James Allen in 1741 as a place for poor girls to read and sew, JAGS is the oldest independent girls’ school in London. This is why we are launching the 1741 Club ’in homage to our founding year and philanthropic foundation.
All members will be invited to an annual Benefactors’ event hosted by the Head, plus they will receive a special 1741 Club pin badge, and much more…
Join the 1741 Club Today
No donation to join the 1741 Club is too small. We welcome support from individuals, families and class years. Thank You.


Foundations for the future
Since its earliest days, JAGS has been the very fortunate and grateful beneficiary of legacy gifts and bequests, providing a vital source of funds to the school, especially in support of bursaries. Many bequests, large and small, have helped shape the school from its foundation to the present day, as well as providing life changing opportunities for bright, talented students, regardless of their financial circumstances.
A legacy is a special and lasting way to remember the school and a role you can play in its future. Those kindly considering a legacy to the school, are encouraged to direct their gift to our Bursaries Campaign.
We are so grateful for the support we receive from those who choose to leave us a gift in their will; thank-you. It is truly a privilege to receive such a powerful gift.
If you would like to speak in confidence about leaving a legacy to JAGS, please contact Karen Doyle, Head of Development and Alumnae Relations at Karen.Doyle@jags.org.uk who will be delighted to speak with you.
Ways to Donate
We need your help. Thank you for considering making a gift to JAGS. Your support is gratefully appreciated.
Donations can be made either as a single gift or through regular giving. Regular giving really makes a difference as it allows us to plan for the future with confidence. All donations, no matter what their size are deeply appreciated. You might consider doing this through monthly, quarterly, or annual donations. By donating you can provide immediate transformational support.
Regular Giving. Join the 1741 Club Today
Single Giving
EasyFundraising – Support the JAGS Bursary Fund while you shop
Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for the JAGS Bursary Fund through EasyFundraising?
There are over 8,000 brands on board ready to donate – including Sainsburys, Tesco, Amazon, M&S, John Lewis, ASOS and Booking.com – and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds.
We would like to extend our sincerest thanks to the JAGS Parent Association (JPA) for making fundraising even easier and more accessible through this great initiative. Whether you are a parent, alumna, member of staff or friend of the School, you can help provide even more educational opportunities for children by getting involved in EasyFundraising.
Donate by Post
To donate by post please complete this FORM, or request one from Development@jags.org.uk and send with a cheque to Development and Alumnae Relations, JAGS School, 144, East Dulwich Grove, London SE22 8TE
Gift Aid
As JAGS is a registered charity (Charity Number: 1124853), JAGS is able to reclaim any UK tax paid via the Gift Aid scheme. This helps boost a donation by 25p for every £1 donated. . The tables here show how Gift Aid can greatly increase the total donation that the School receives. For higher rate tax payers, you can claim back the difference on the higher rate and basic rate on the value of any donation. For a 40% rate tax payer, this means that for every £1 donated you can claim back 25p in tax relief.
USA Giving
For our supporters living in the US, the CAF American Donor Fund (CADF) allows US/UK dual taxpayers to claim Gift Aid (which can increase the value of gifts by up to 25%) and qualify for a tax deduction in the UK and in the US. This organisation has been determined by the United States Internal Revenue Service to be a tax-exempt public charity with 501(c)(3) status.
For more information on donating via the CAF American Donor Fund, please click here.
Corporate Giving
Charitable donations can be made through payroll giving. This means gifts are made directly from your salary before income tax is deducted. As a result, you will automatically receive tax relief on your top rate of tax, with JAGS receiving the gross value. If you are interested in this method, please contact your company payroll department to make initial enquiries.
JAGS is a registered charity. Charity number 1124853.