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Year 7: Hindleap Warren 2024

Year 7 students Demi and Alex tell you all you need to know about the recent residential trip to Hindleap Warren:

“For our Year 7 residential, we travelled to Hindleap Warren for a weekend of exhilarating adventure!

“Shortly after settling in to our dorms, we were divided into groups and proceeded onto the first activities of the weekend. The groups were a mix of form classes, so it was a fantastic opportunity to meet and get to know our peers.

“Some of us climbed straight into the high wire activities – where we were gently nudged out of our comfort zones – while others dived into a muddy hike around the extensive grounds of Hindleap Warren.

“We learnt survival tips on the way, including ways to camouflage with the resources around us and methods to protect ourselves from the mythical creatures known as ‘Drop Bears’ that, supposedly, roamed the forests.

“The second day brought even more activities as we all rotated around in our separate groups. These included team-building challenges, shelter building and more! The group instructors were so friendly and understanding and did not pressure us into taking part when we did not want to – especially in the towering high vines. However, they encouraged us to go as far as we could as there was no danger with all the safe harnesses.

“The end of the day came all too quickly, and after another scrumptious meal, followed by a bountiful amount of birthday cake, we were taken outside to enjoy a lengthy night walk! It was a terrific opportunity to see the grounds of Hindleap Warren from a different perspective. And, for those who did not bring torches, it was an exciting challenge to avoid the numerous patches of mud! We also spotted deer, and we were told a thrilling story about a witch who roamed the lands.

“The time of departure rolled by all too soon and we were sure to thanks and say goodbye to the wonderful staff, who had helped make our stay as enjoyable as they could – the trip wouldn’t have been the same without their positive attitude and smiley faces every day!

“Our stay at Hindleap Warren was one to remember, and we hope all the future year sevens will enjoy it as much as we did. Thank you Hindleap Warren!”

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