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Community Music Centre (CMC)
The Community Music Centre (CMC) serves as the main entrance to JAGS and houses our state-of-the-art Vaughan Williams Auditorium (VWA). The venue allows the school to stage impressive orchestral and choral concerts, as well as play host to visiting speakers and other performing arts. The centre also houses three floors of music classrooms, seminar rooms and practice rooms accommodating one-on-one music lessons.
Holst Hall
Holst Hall is the beating heart of JAGS and part of the very original building dating from 1886. Refurbished in 2023, the hall now works as a multifunctional space used for teaching, assemblies and recreation. The classrooms off the Holst Hall have been transformed into workrooms where learning can also spill out into the hall.
Language Labs
Languages are highly valued at JAGS and pupils learn French from Reception upwards. For Senior School students a broad range of language options are offered including French, Spanish, German, Italian, Russian and Japanese, as well as Latin and Ancient Greek.
From 4 to 7 years, pupils attend the Pre-Prep School; a lovely homely building with a beautiful garden based very close by in Dulwich Village. As well as dedicated music and French classrooms, there is an exciting new outdoor library, and a sensory garden for forest school lessons. Reception classes extend into their outdoor classrooms and the hall is used for assemblies, PE and drama productions.
Prep School
Pupils aged between 7 and 11 years attend the Prep School. This light, modern and welcoming building offers dedicated DT, Art, Music, ICT and French classrooms. The popular and spacious library includes all the latest books and magazines.
Science is a fun and popular subject at JAGS. We have 13 superbly equipped laboratories which are ideal for the practical and engaging lessons our students enjoy. Pupils study all three sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) up to GCSE and many choose to continue in their Sixth Form studies.
The creative arts thrive at JAGS. Our Art Department has four dedicated art rooms which are excellently equipped (including a traditional printing press) and bursting with inspiration. Sixth Form students enjoy the use of a dedicated art studio for their entire A level course.
Design & Technology
The Design and Technology department offers two well-equipped work rooms with a wide range of traditional and modern tools. In addition, classrooms are equipped with computers and 3D printers to allow students to experiment and develop a range of creative and contemporary skills.
The senior school library is open to all JAGS students and staff throughout the school week from 7.30am until 7pm.
As well as a large physical book and multimedia collection there is an impressive suite of online resources, including JSTOR, Massolit and access to newspapers and magazines. Desktop PCs and laptops are available and helpful staff on hand to help.
Prissian Theatre
Our drama performances are often likened to professional West End productions, our purpose-built theatre offers a flexible space for both drama lessons and staging productions. The theatre can be set up traditionally or in the round and is fully equipped with outstanding light and sound provision. For those pupils who prefer to work back stage, the theatre has its own tech box and wardrobe departments.
Sixth Form
Our Sixth Form students have their own bespoke base in school. Students can relax, study and socialise in one of the two common rooms. Meanwhile the collection of seminar rooms allows students to benefit from smaller classes, while the Lecture Theatre is home to countless inspirational speakers as our students prepare for life beyond JAGS.
Sports Centre
As well as housing the swimming pool, the sports centre has a superb range of facilities. There is a large sports hall, a fully equipped gym, a spin studio, two dance studios, a purpose built climbing wall and a squash court. The sports hall is used for gymnastics, badminton, table tennis, trampolining and other indoor activities. At the Sports Centre you’ll also find the Copper Beech Café where older students can enjoy freshly made coffees, toasties and more.
Swimming Pool
Superbly equipped for competitive swimming with diving blocks and a roomy spectator seating area, our 25-metre swimming pool is ozone filtered to make it gentler on the skin. Pupils have swimming lessons from Year 1 upwards and swimming is a popular sport in both the Junior and Senior Schools.
The superb AstroTurf pitch is used for both recreational and competitive Hockey and Tennis fixtures. Alongside it are numerous Netball and Tennis Courts, which are filled with participants of all ages across all three terms.
Playing fields
JAGS has over 22 acres of land and our beautifully maintained playing fields play host to a wide range of sports across the whole school. Alongside the running track are facilities for long jump and high jump, as well as all other athletics field events. In the autumn and spring terms, football is played on the fields, whilst in summer cricket and rounders are the main activities.
Botany Gardens
A unique teaching resource, our Botany Gardens were set up in 1896 by JAGS’ first science mistress, Dr Lilian Clarke, and are still used for teaching today.