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JAGS Pupils Look to the Future Following Impressive A Level Results

The last eighteen months have been an extraordinary time for our pupils and staff, and we are exceptionally proud of our Year 13 students as they receive their A level results today.

They have rightly received excellent grades, reflecting their ongoing commitment and hard work throughout their time at JAGS. We are delighted that this sustained endeavour opens up so many future opportunities for them, with many of the cohort going on to study at leading universities in the UK and overseas.

All pupils have needed to cope with huge levels of uncertainty; they have learnt how to adapt and how to learn in new ways using different tools and techniques to those established methods. We are extremely grateful to our teaching and support staff who have worked tirelessly, supporting and encouraging students and adapting to changes in guidance at extremely short notice.

Mrs Alex Hutchinson, Head of JAGS said: “I wish all students who are receiving their results the best of luck today. Our Year 13 pupils have shown themselves to be an exceptional year group. They are kind, resilient and have a very promising future ahead of them. They should be very proud of what they have achieved, and I wish them every success, whatever path they choose to follow.”

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