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New Head Girl Team Announced

We are delighted to welcome Sophia, Jhenica and Ore as our new Head Girl team.

The Head Girl team at JAGS play a huge part in our school community. Not only are they representatives for the whole school, but they also have the important task of leading on student voice, as well as organising a variety of events.

They have been elected by the school community following an application process including written questions, submitting a two minute video and an interview. Staff and pupils voted anonymously for their chosen Head Girl and two deputy Head Girls. The results were announced at the beginning of term, and we are delighted to introduce Sophia, Jhenica and Ore below.

‘My name is Sophia and I take Biology, Chemistry and Maths and I have been at JAGS since Year 7. I wanted to be part of the Head Girl team because I have enjoyed every aspect of my time at JAGS and I want to play a part in ensuring all JAGS students feel that way. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to be part of the Head Girl team this year and we have lots of ideas that we hope will make every JAGS student feel included, safe and happy at JAGS to get the absolute most out of their experience at school.’ 

“My name is Jhenica and I study Maths, Chemistry and Biology. I have been at JAGS since Year 7 and have always felt a sense of community. I applied to be a Head Girl because I wanted to give back to the JAGS community that has been guiding me through thick and thin throughout my years at JAGS. I saw this position as a way to support younger years with acknowledging the important elements in life and eliminating negativity by being a support system in the form of a role model. This year I would like to ensure that all JAGS girls’ voices are heard and everyone at JAGS knows that they matter. It has truly been tough for us all as we’ve overcome challenges from the pandemic and continue to do so. I’d like to take this as an opportunity to focus on ensuring we have a safe place to openly speak about mental health and providing the support that we all need right now more than ever.”

“My name is Ore and I study Maths, Physics, History of Art and Spanish and I have been at JAGS since Year 7. I love playing the saxophone in the orchestra and jazz bands, and I am hoping to study architecture at university. I applied to be Head Girl as I was involved in Eco and Anti-racism initiatives at school and felt that with the influence of a Head Girl, these policies would have a more long-lasting impact. This year I would like to focus on helping integrate the new anti-racism policy effectively into school life and celebrating the diversity of the JAGS community. I am also keen on encouraging artistic expression outside the curriculum.”

The girls will be gradually taking over from our current Head Girl team of Anusha, Ellie and Sula this term and we’re certain they’ll do a fantastic job. We thank our outgoing Head Girl team for the excellent work that they have done during an extraordinary year.

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