Welcome from the Head
Dear Parents
As the term and the school year draws to a close, it’s a great time to reflect on what a vibrant and busy end of term it has been. From our Year 13 Leavers’ Event, through Founder’s Assembly and Founder’s Day to the Founder’s Concert on Tuesday, the community has gathered together in so many different guises and venues to celebrate all that we have achieved and aspire to as a school. Our thanks go to everyone for all their work to organise these events, not least the fantastic JPA for all their teamwork and gusto throughout the year.
I will write separately with more news in my end of term letter, so all that remains is for me to thank everyone for their support and contagious enthusiasm throughout the academic year, and to wish everyone a wonderful summer break. We look forward to seeing you all raring to go in September!
With my best wishes,
Mrs Alex Hutchinson
Dates for your Diary
- Monday 4 September – Induction Day for Years 3, 7 and 12
- Tuesday 5 September – Autumn Term begins
Reporting Absences
A reminder to all parents to use this form to report absence in the Senior School due to illness or to request absence for appointments. This form can also be found on our Contact page.
Additionally, when informing a teacher of any health issues your daughter may be facing, please remember to cc or School Nurse team on Nurse@jags.org.uk.
Key Stage 3 Update

What a wonderful Summer Term we have had together. Thank you so much for all of your enthusiasm, fun and hard work. Well done to everyone who has taken part in the end of term services and concerts.
It was great to see you all enjoying Founder’s Day. Thank you to those who paid money to throw buckets of water over my head!
I hope you have a restful and relaxing holiday. Do plenty of reading!
See you in September!
Myfanwy Bournon, Head of Key Stage 3
Key Stage 4 Update
Since wrapping up exams and assessments, KS4 have launched themselves with full enthusiasm into the remaining weeks of term. Year 11 did us proud in their exams and have finally been able to take some time out for rest and relaxation. It was a joy to welcome them back on-site last week for the 18+ Choices Day. Here, they began to think about life beyond JAGS. A particular highlight was the panel of JAGS alumnae who returned to talk about their experiences in the world of higher education this year.
Year 10 enjoyed a particularly successful collaborative day with Dulwich College, in which we explored the theme of entrepreneurship. It was marvellous to see the two schools come together on a glorious sunny day, culminating in a picnic lunch on ‘the clump’.
Anna Jones, Head of Key Stage 4
Continued . . .
It has been an absolute pleasure seeing Years 10 and 11 through the last academic year. I wish the Year 11 cohort a most fabulous summer, and a wonderful start to their A levels!
Year 10, as I said in my speech at Founder’s Day, take time out to be yourselves, rest well and hopefully have the odd adventure or two! See you in September!
It has been an absolute pleasure seeing Years 10 and 11 through the last academic year. I wish the Year 11 cohort a most fabulous summer, and a wonderful start to their A levels!
Year 10, as I said in my speech at Founder’s Day, take time out to be yourselves, rest well and hopefully have the odd adventure or two! See you in September!

Sixth Form Update
It has been a very hectic time in the Sixth Form community at the end of a very busy term. The length of this update is inversely proportional to the number of activities and events that have taken place! The class of 2023 enjoyed a ‘life after JAGS’ day in which they engaged in talks aimed to help prepare them for their future, with Illuminaire providing a session on micro aggressions, and our friends at Happy Space equipping them with wellbeing assistance to help with the transition. This was followed by their Leavers’ Day on Tuesday 28 June. The day included a Leavers’ Service, photo, ceremony and ‘Diamonds are Forever’- themed event, all combining to provide a joyous but emotional day to remember!
Mat Weeks, Head of Sixth Form
Year 12 UCAS applications
Year 12s have been getting to grips with their UCAS applications and, following a Life Skills personal statement writing workshop and several other talks, they have all submitted a first draft of their personal statement to their form tutors. They have been impressing everyone with their conscientious and diligent approach. At the same time, Year 12s have been contributing to the school community in a rich and diverse way; whether it be the Founder’s Concert, Year 7 Induction Day, a special Windrush assembly or in their roles as Head Girls, House Captains, School Prefects and experienced and willing role models.
An excellent year
Quite simply, it has been an excellent year completed by a fantastic group of Sixth Form students who are committed to their own success and that of others through their supportive, mature and fun approach to everything.
Wishing everyone a wonderful two months of relaxation and exploration. We look forward to seeing Year 13 back for the A Level results day brunch in August to celebrate their success!
Year 12s have been getting to grips with their UCAS applications and, following a Life Skills personal statement writing workshop and several other talks, they have all submitted a first draft of their personal statement to their form tutors. They have been impressing everyone with their conscientious and diligent approach. At the same time, Year 12s have been contributing to the school community in a rich and diverse way; whether it be the Founder’s Concert, Year 7 Induction Day, a special Windrush assembly or in their roles as Head Girls, House Captains, School Prefects and experienced and willing role models.
Quite simply, it has been an excellent year completed by a fantastic group of Sixth Form students who are committed to their own success and that of others through their supportive, mature and fun approach to everything.
Wishing everyone a wonderful two months of relaxation and exploration. We look forward to seeing Year 13 back for the A Level results day brunch in August to celebrate their success!
Founder’s Celebrations
Founder’s Day
It was a pleasure to welcome so many members of the JAGS community on Saturday as we celebrated Founder’s Day.
A massive thank you to all of the staff, pupils, JPA and parents who helped make the event such an amazing success!
As ever, our annual Bake-Off Competition was a hotly-contested affair with a selection of awe-inspiring designs and decorations.
Congratulations to all of the winning entries and to our expert staff and student judging teams.
Founder’s Concert
On Tuesday evening a beautiful Founder’s Concert was staged in our very own VWA.
As ever, our talented musicians shone in the spotlight, performing a series of stunning arrangements.
It was a special night made all the more emotional as it doubled as a farewell to not only to our departing Year 13 musicians but also to our outgoing Director of Music, Peter Gritton.
We wish them all the best for the future and thank them dearly for their contribution to musical life here at JAGS.

Windrush 75
To commemorate and celebrate 75 years of the Windrush Generation, an incredible display highlighting the importance of Caribbean History and how it has significantly shaped the UK as we know it has been installed at the JAGS library.
A huge thank you to our wonderful library assistant Mrs Barnett for the time and effort that went into producing the powerful display, which features an insight into the journey Mrs Barnett’s family made to Britain as part of the Windrush Generation.
Read more HERE
Parents, staff and students were left enchanted by a week of stunning performances of the Year 7 and 8 production of Frozen.
The cast, crew and Drama Department worked incredibly hard to deliver a truly magical run of shows – thank you all so much for your hard work!
Behind the scenes
We had a stellar technical team working behind the scenes on Frozen. Each of them worked hard to ensure the show ran smoothly and that certain moments of theatrical magic looked as wondrous as possible – such as our surprise snow drop during the finale!
Our sound operators, Isabel and Avanti, spent time learning how to equip performers with microphones and how to balance the sound of each piece of music with a variety of singing voices. Our stage managers, Zahraphina and Romilly, worked efficiently and methodically to check that each prop was pre-set at the start of each show and co-ordinated microphone swaps between scenes. Meanwhile, our lighting operators, Iris and Lana, helped with designing atmospheric lighting that transported us from Arendelle all the way to Elsa’s ice palace.
Follow the tabs below to learn more about their time working on Frozen as well as insight from Year 7 Georgina who worked as part of the costume team.
Ross Hayward, Theatre Technician
Tech wizards
Lana: “The lighting was beautiful and it was really fun to both work on the cues and use them during the show. The tech team is always fun and I am hoping to play a role in every show we do from now on.”
Iris: “Working on Frozen was an enjoyable experience, I learned lots of new lighting cues and the atmosphere was amazing! The light, sound and stage crew worked really hard to ensure that the play looked incredible! Furthermore, I built confidence in lighting, and got to know the tech crew better.”
Isobel: “Working as a sound operator was such an interesting job! I had a lot of opportunities to learn new things and getting to do the shows as well was such a great experience. Seeing everything coming together for the amazing shows was so fun being a part of!”
Avanti: “Being a part of the tech team for Frozen was a truly sensational experience! I love doing tech because it is really interesting, fun, engaging and brilliant! I also love the feeling of being part of a team, so this was a dream come true! I thoroughly enjoy every show I work on, and I hope there will be more opportunities for tech in the future!”
Zahraphina: “Being deputy stage manager was great. I got to see everything happen and watch it all play out! I was able to learn more about lighting and sound as well through the rehearsals, and altogether it was a fantastic experience!”
Romilly: “I loved being part of the Frozen production as assistant stage manager – seeing everything coming together through the rehearsals and seeing ideas on lighting scenes make the cut was great – and up in the tech box, we had the best seat in the house!”
Costume team
Georgina: “I worked as part of the costume team for the Junior show of Frozen. Our job was to make, decorate and organise the costumes as well as some of the set. We made Icicles by smashing up used CDs and gluing them to white fabric. We also braided long pieces of material to decorate the set with. During the show, we worked backstage preparing and helping to change the cast for costume changes. If things went wrong, we were on hand to step in and help! I am very grateful to have been part of this production.”
Lana: “The lighting was beautiful and it was really fun to both work on the cues and use them during the show. The tech team is always fun and I am hoping to play a role in every show we do from now on.”
Iris: “Working on Frozen was an enjoyable experience, I learned lots of new lighting cues and the atmosphere was amazing! The light, sound and stage crew worked really hard to ensure that the play looked incredible! Furthermore, I built confidence in lighting, and got to know the tech crew better.”
Isobel: “Working as a sound operator was such an interesting job! I had a lot of opportunities to learn new things and getting to do the shows as well was such a great experience. Seeing everything coming together for the amazing shows was so fun being a part of!”
Avanti: “Being a part of the tech team for Frozen was a truly sensational experience! I love doing tech because it is really interesting, fun, engaging and brilliant! I also love the feeling of being part of a team, so this was a dream come true! I thoroughly enjoy every show I work on, and I hope there will be more opportunities for tech in the future!”
Zahraphina: “Being deputy stage manager was great. I got to see everything happen and watch it all play out! I was able to learn more about lighting and sound as well through the rehearsals, and altogether it was a fantastic experience!”
Romilly: “I loved being part of the Frozen production as assistant stage manager – seeing everything coming together through the rehearsals and seeing ideas on lighting scenes make the cut was great – and up in the tech box, we had the best seat in the house!”
Georgina: “I worked as part of the costume team for the Junior show of Frozen. Our job was to make, decorate and organise the costumes as well as some of the set. We made Icicles by smashing up used CDs and gluing them to white fabric. We also braided long pieces of material to decorate the set with. During the show, we worked backstage preparing and helping to change the cast for costume changes. If things went wrong, we were on hand to step in and help! I am very grateful to have been part of this production.”

‘What inspires me about Chemistry?’
Each year the Chemistry Department runs an competition in which Year 12 students write 500 words encapsulating ‘what inspires me about chemistry?’
Every year we receive some amazing entries and this year was no exception! Our winners from each class and the titles of their essays are as follows:
- Mailyn The role of polymorphism and the properties of medicinal drugs
- Poppy, Why is ice slippery?
- Petica, Using matrices to balance equations
- Tara, Cats Cradle – Science Fiction Made Real
Natalie Davidson, Head of Science
There was great singing and even better outfits as our Year 8 pupils studying Russian showed off their linguistic skills by performing a series of original songs.
The standard was high throughout and all of the pupils impressed but in the end Rosie, Helen and Florence were voted as the best performance. Well done!

Year 12 Oxford Trip
On Wednesday 28 June 2023, Mr Monk and I were delighted to accompany a group of Year 12 Economics and Geography students on a trip to Oxford, where they enjoyed an Open Day at Oxford University and a fascinating tour of the BMW Mini factory.
We enjoyed a guided tour of Jesus College (alma mater of both Mr Monk and Mr Weeks), after which the students had free time to explore the colleges and departments they were most interested in. In the afternoon we had a superb guided tour of BMW Mini production facilities by employees who have been working there for over 40 years. We witnessed a Mini take form – from the first sheet of steel to the completed car crossing the finish line. It was truly interesting and informative trip for all.
Stanislav Larski, Head of Economics
Eco Champions
As we reach the end of the year, some of our Eco Champions reflected on their personal highlights:
Shivi: “I have really enjoyed helping carry out the Plants in Classrooms project as we were able to propagate the plants ourselves and then watch them grow which I found really fun!”
Kathleen: “I particularly enjoyed being a Travel Eco Champion this year. I feel like having such an important voice in school allows me to make the environmental change that l want to see. I would love to continue this scheme next year and see what more wide spread change we could institute.”
Kayla: “I really enjoyed presenting during the Eco Champions’ whole school assembly and receiving feedback from pupils. We successfully managed to reduce food waste by turning unwanted bread crusts into croutons- it felt amazing to be able to do something sustainable that was informed by pupils’ voices. I also enjoyed composting, not only was it was a very fun task to do with friends, but it great to see the immediate results. It was interesting to learn about how our waste can actually benefit the planet, and it was a joy to be a part of that, not to mention a workout on the arms!”
Kayla: “I really enjoyed presenting during the Eco Champions’ whole school assembly and receiving feedback from pupils. We successfully managed to reduce food waste by turning unwanted bread crusts into croutons- it felt amazing to be able to do something sustainable that was informed by pupils’ voices. I also enjoyed composting, not only was it was a very fun task to do with friends, but it great to see the immediate results. It was interesting to learn about how our waste can actually benefit the planet, and it was a joy to be a part of that, not to mention a workout on the arms!”

Sustainability staff
Over the course of the year, two of our Eco Champions (Kayla and Elle) have been sharpening their journalistic skills. They interviewed two members of staff who exemplify the school’s ethos of leading sustainable change: Peter Hammer (Head Groundsman) and Pamela Kettle (Science Technician).
This is what they discovered:
Mr Hammer
Mr Hammer has been working at JAGS for over 30 years. Not only does he ensure the playing fields and surrounding grounds always look pristine and beautiful, but he is constantly looking for innovative ways to make his team’s operations more sustainable.
Over the years this has included:
- Ensuring all materials used by the grounds team (eg. fertilisers) are eco-friendly.
- Using more sustainable machinery. In recent years this has seen a complete overhaul of our handheld equipment from petrol-based to those powered by rechargeable batteries.
- Supporting numerous rewilding projects across the site to encourage wildlife.
- In recent years, over 30 trees native to the UK have been planted across the site, with more earmarked for the future.
Ms Kettle
Ms Kettle has been at JAGS for the past 24 years, and throughout her time here she has been a beacon of sustainability across the Science Department.
Within the school, she has found creative ways to repurpose and reuse equipment that may have previously been thrown out. From salvaging items from skips, to giving them another life, Pamela is the epitome of reuse and recycle.
Outside of life as a technician, Pamela finds herself making her own wines, jams, chutneys, and clothes. She has reupholstered chairs she has found in skips, and shows off her finds to staff members.
The Eco Champions were amazed to learn all the different things that Ms Kettle does in her professional and personal life.
Mr Hammer has been working at JAGS for over 30 years. Not only does he ensure the playing fields and surrounding grounds always look pristine and beautiful, but he is constantly looking for innovative ways to make his team’s operations more sustainable.
Over the years this has included:
- Ensuring all materials used by the grounds team (eg. fertilisers) are eco-friendly.
- Using more sustainable machinery. In recent years this has seen a complete overhaul of our handheld equipment from petrol-based to those powered by rechargeable batteries.
- Supporting numerous rewilding projects across the site to encourage wildlife.
- In recent years, over 30 trees native to the UK have been planted across the site, with more earmarked for the future.
Ms Kettle has been at JAGS for the past 24 years, and throughout her time here she has been a beacon of sustainability across the Science Department.
Within the school, she has found creative ways to repurpose and reuse equipment that may have previously been thrown out. From salvaging items from skips, to giving them another life, Pamela is the epitome of reuse and recycle.
Outside of life as a technician, Pamela finds herself making her own wines, jams, chutneys, and clothes. She has reupholstered chairs she has found in skips, and shows off her finds to staff members.
The Eco Champions were amazed to learn all the different things that Ms Kettle does in her professional and personal life.
Year 12 POP UP Exhibition
Our Year 12 Art Scholars staged a brilliant and inspiring lunchtime POP UP show.
Year 13 Summer Exhibition
Thank you to all those who attended the Year 13 Summer Art Exhibition.
It was an incredible way to celebrate the hard work of our talented students and Art Department over the last year!
Stained Glass workshop at Westminster Abbey
A very lucky group of SSLP students enjoyed a very special day at Westminster Abbey last Friday. Sophie Hacker, our workshop leader and Lou from the Abbey Education Team, gave the most insightful tour and the students enjoyed the extraordinary sites of the nave, the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior and the shrine of Edward the Confessor, admiring the fabulous stained glass en route, Helen Whittaker’s beautiful Marian windows and the mesmerizing David Hockney panels.
Students were then treated to a talk by Sophie on the different techniques of making glass and learnt many interesting facts about the craft of stained-glass design. After a picnic lunch in College Gardens, students set to work, comparing the different crests of the 18 SSLP schools, and with the fabric of the Abbey’s many artworks still vibrant in their memory, designed their own response.
The outcomes were so varied – it was fantastic to see their designs!
Rachel Dow, Head of History of Art
Thank you . . .
Thank you so much to the Clerk of the Works for welcoming us to Westminster Abbey and providing such a fantastic space to run a workshop. Special thanks also go to the Abbey Learning Department for giving us a guided tour, and the Worshipful Company of Glaziers and Sophie Hacker for facilitating this unforgettable stained-glass workshop inside the Abbey.
Thank you so much to the Clerk of the Works for welcoming us to Westminster Abbey and providing such a fantastic space to run a workshop. Special thanks also go to the Abbey Learning Department for giving us a guided tour, and the Worshipful Company of Glaziers and Sophie Hacker for facilitating this unforgettable stained-glass workshop inside the Abbey.

As the Summer Term draws to a close, it is time once again to reflect on a great year of sport for JAGS.
Internally, several school athletics records have been smashed while externally our teams have recorded a series of historic victories.
We begin with a look at the final scores for Sports Day:
Sports Day
- Year 7 – Bettany & Clarke
- Year 8 – Desenfans
- Year 9 – Bettany
- Year 10 – Bettany
Overall Results:
- Bettany
- Desenfans
- Holst
- Clarke
Record breakers
We have had several school athletics records broken this year during school events and even two on our very own Sports Day. Congratulations to the following Year 8 pupils:
Emilia – 100m new record holder with a time of 12.74s
Emilia – Shot Put new record holder with a distance of 11.50m
Pyale – Long Jump new record holder with a distance of 5.23m
Jackie– 75m Hurdles new record holder with a time of 12.19s
Last year, we made JAGS history by reaching the final of the U18 Branston Shield (Surrey County Cup) for the first time. This year we went one better by beating King’s College School Wimbledon in the Final 3-2, to be crowned County Champions.
Well done to all pupils that have played a part in making JAGS history:
- Sofia
- Isabel
- Rania
- Tabitha
- Annabelle
- Olivia
Our county tennis success continued with our Year 9 and 10 team winning the Surrey U15 Division Two title. The team remained unbeaten all season and secured the league title with a nail-biting 7-6 win over Prior’s Field School:
- Rachel
- Hennie
- Annabelle
- Tabitha
- Rania
London Youth Games
Congratulations to Martha (Year 8) who helped Bromley Girls’ Swimming Team take first place at the recent London Youth Games.
The JAGS Cheerleading Team travelled to Bournemouth to compete in the Schools’ National Finals (their first ever competition!) The team produced their best routine and finished in an incredible 6th place in the country.
Following on from our success in the Simmonds Indoor Cup back in January, we recently participated in the Simmonds Outdoor Cup. We had a very productive day in both the track and field events, walking away with first place in both the Year 8 and 9 categories, and second place for the Year 7s. These results meant that we finished in third place overall.
Congratulations to the following pupils who won their events:
Year 7
Triple Jump –Maria
Hurdles – Maria
100m – Alexa
Relay – Olivia , Maria, Bethany and Alexa
Year 8
Long Jump – Pyale
High Jump – Marly
Shot – Emilia
Javelin – Goldie
Discus – Martha
Hurdles – Jackie
300m – Marly
800m – Florence
Relay – 1st Oyin, Pyale, Marly and Emilia
Year 9
High Jump – Annabelle Davies
Javelin – Olivia Asquith
800m – Sophie Jack
Relay –Tallulah , Annabelle, Ayla and Eunice
Three of our KS3 pupils competed in the English Schools’ Track and Field National Championships, which were held in Birmingham last weekend. The following three pupils performed incredibly well on the day against the best athletes in the country for their events
Year 9 – Sophie – 1500m – 4.53.99 (Personal Best)
Year 8 – Emilia – Shot Put – 11.29m (8th in the country)
Year 8 – Pyale – Long Jump – 4.87m (10th in the country)
Sports Awards
Sportsperson of the Term
This is awarded to the Sportsperson of the term (as voted for by the Sports Department) for overall performance and commitment to school sport during the Summer Term:
Year 7 – Olivia
Year 8 – Emilia
Year 9 – Sophie and Tabitha
Year 10 – Rachel
Sixth Form – Caoimhe
Thomson Award for Sporting Excellence
A new award introduced this year, the Thomson Award for Sporting Excellence recognises a pupil who has achieved a high level of sporting performance either in or outside of school.
This year the award goes to, Amelie for winning the World title in the Cadet Women’s Foil Individual Event in the World Championships, which were held in Bulgaria in April.
The Gibson Quad Cup
The Gibson Quad Cup was donated by former pupil Georgia Gibson. This Cup is awarded to a Key Stage 3 pupil who has participated and excelled in at least four different sports throughout the course of the academic year.
Congratulations to Freya!
The Raggett Cup
The Raggett Cup was donated by former Head of Department Joan Raggett for Services to Sport. The winner of this award must have been reliable, responsible and a very dependable member of a full range of teams:
Congratulations to Emma!
The Head Cup
The Head Cup is awarded for athletics and is given to the pupil who has provided the best performance or contributed above and beyond to the school athletics season.
Congratulations to Emilia!
Team of the Year
The Team of the Year is awarded to the team that has produced the most outstanding results over the year.
Congratulations to The U18 Surrey Tennis Champions – Sofia , Isabel, Olivia , Annabelle, Tabitha and Rania
The Junior and Senior Sports Girl of the Year Awards
The Junior and Senior Sports Girl of the Year Awards are presented to pupil who have met the following criteria:
- Achieved an excellent standard of performance in a full range of sports offered at JAGS
- Consistently represented JAGS in matches, competition, displays and other sporting events
- Have led by example in sport in terms of attitude, commitment and all-round conduct
The Junior Sports Girl of the Year is awarded to Rania.
The Senior Sports Girl of the Year is awarded to both Eva and Gaby
- Year 7 – Bettany & Clarke
- Year 8 – Desenfans
- Year 9 – Bettany
- Year 10 – Bettany
Overall Results:
- Bettany
- Desenfans
- Holst
- Clarke
We have had several school athletics records broken this year during school events and even two on our very own Sports Day. Congratulations to the following Year 8 pupils:
Emilia – 100m new record holder with a time of 12.74s
Emilia – Shot Put new record holder with a distance of 11.50m
Pyale – Long Jump new record holder with a distance of 5.23m
Jackie– 75m Hurdles new record holder with a time of 12.19s
Last year, we made JAGS history by reaching the final of the U18 Branston Shield (Surrey County Cup) for the first time. This year we went one better by beating King’s College School Wimbledon in the Final 3-2, to be crowned County Champions.
Well done to all pupils that have played a part in making JAGS history:
- Sofia
- Isabel
- Rania
- Tabitha
- Annabelle
- Olivia
Our county tennis success continued with our Year 9 and 10 team winning the Surrey U15 Division Two title. The team remained unbeaten all season and secured the league title with a nail-biting 7-6 win over Prior’s Field School:
- Rachel
- Hennie
- Annabelle
- Tabitha
- Rania
Congratulations to Martha (Year 8) who helped Bromley Girls’ Swimming Team take first place at the recent London Youth Games.
The JAGS Cheerleading Team travelled to Bournemouth to compete in the Schools’ National Finals (their first ever competition!) The team produced their best routine and finished in an incredible 6th place in the country.
Following on from our success in the Simmonds Indoor Cup back in January, we recently participated in the Simmonds Outdoor Cup. We had a very productive day in both the track and field events, walking away with first place in both the Year 8 and 9 categories, and second place for the Year 7s. These results meant that we finished in third place overall.
Congratulations to the following pupils who won their events:
Year 7
Triple Jump –Maria
Hurdles – Maria
100m – Alexa
Relay – Olivia , Maria, Bethany and Alexa
Year 8
Long Jump – Pyale
High Jump – Marly
Shot – Emilia
Javelin – Goldie
Discus – Martha
Hurdles – Jackie
300m – Marly
800m – Florence
Relay – 1st Oyin, Pyale, Marly and Emilia
Year 9
High Jump – Annabelle Davies
Javelin – Olivia Asquith
800m – Sophie Jack
Relay –Tallulah , Annabelle, Ayla and Eunice
Three of our KS3 pupils competed in the English Schools’ Track and Field National Championships, which were held in Birmingham last weekend. The following three pupils performed incredibly well on the day against the best athletes in the country for their events
Year 9 – Sophie – 1500m – 4.53.99 (Personal Best)
Year 8 – Emilia – Shot Put – 11.29m (8th in the country)
Year 8 – Pyale – Long Jump – 4.87m (10th in the country)
Sportsperson of the Term
This is awarded to the Sportsperson of the term (as voted for by the Sports Department) for overall performance and commitment to school sport during the Summer Term:
Year 7 – Olivia
Year 8 – Emilia
Year 9 – Sophie and Tabitha
Year 10 – Rachel
Sixth Form – Caoimhe
A new award introduced this year, the Thomson Award for Sporting Excellence recognises a pupil who has achieved a high level of sporting performance either in or outside of school.
This year the award goes to, Amelie for winning the World title in the Cadet Women’s Foil Individual Event in the World Championships, which were held in Bulgaria in April.
The Gibson Quad Cup was donated by former pupil Georgia Gibson. This Cup is awarded to a Key Stage 3 pupil who has participated and excelled in at least four different sports throughout the course of the academic year.
Congratulations to Freya!
The Raggett Cup was donated by former Head of Department Joan Raggett for Services to Sport. The winner of this award must have been reliable, responsible and a very dependable member of a full range of teams:
Congratulations to Emma!
The Head Cup is awarded for athletics and is given to the pupil who has provided the best performance or contributed above and beyond to the school athletics season.
Congratulations to Emilia!
The Team of the Year is awarded to the team that has produced the most outstanding results over the year.
Congratulations to The U18 Surrey Tennis Champions – Sofia , Isabel, Olivia , Annabelle, Tabitha and Rania
The Junior and Senior Sports Girl of the Year Awards are presented to pupil who have met the following criteria:
- Achieved an excellent standard of performance in a full range of sports offered at JAGS
- Consistently represented JAGS in matches, competition, displays and other sporting events
- Have led by example in sport in terms of attitude, commitment and all-round conduct
The Junior Sports Girl of the Year is awarded to Rania.
The Senior Sports Girl of the Year is awarded to both Eva and Gaby