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16th September: Issue 32

Welcome from the Head

Dear Parents

It has been a pleasure to welcome back our students and to share the first fortnight of term with them. From our new Year 7 students beginning their JAGS journey with us, to our Year 13 students approaching their final year, the school has been full of excited chat and laughter. Year 9 have had the added highlight of their PGL trip to Marchants Hill, and I very much enjoyed visiting them on Wednesday afternoon to see them in action.

It was with great sadness that we heard that Her Majesty the Queen had died last week. This week we have remained in the 10-day period of national mourning, and the school flag has flown at half-mast throughout. We have been able to spend time together as a school community reflecting on the life of our monarch and her extraordinary service to our country, with two assemblies for our Senior School students. It was also lovely to see a selection of students, staff and parents from the three Foundation Schools at the shared Service of Commemoration at Christ’s Chapel of God’s Gift on Thursday evening.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s State Funeral will take place on Monday 19 September. As you know, this day has been confirmed as a Bank Holiday and the school will be closed all day as a mark of respect.

On Wednesday 21 September we say farewell to Reverend Cecile Schnyder, and Lina the therapy dog, as Cecile heads to an exciting new role as Vicar of St Anne’s Church in Wandsworth. We thank Cecile for everything she has given to our school community, for her kindness and support, her listening ear and her wise counsel. We also thank Lina for her constancy and hugability. Lina also wins the prize for the slowest possible speed to walk down a corridor; this has been a constant source of amazement to my over-excitable cocker spaniel, Scrumpy, on the occasions they have met each other!

Our whole school Open Morning is on Saturday 1 October and preparations are in full swing. Rhona Muir, Senior Deputy Head, has been in touch with further detailed arrangements. The sessions for prospective parents and students that run throughout the morning are each fully booked, and we are very grateful to all students in Years 7 to 12 and our Subject Prefects for their attendance.

With best wishes

Mrs Alex Hutchinson

Dates for your Diary

  • Monday 19 September – Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s State Funeral – School Closed
  • Tuesday 20 September – 7pm Year 8 Parents’ Information Evening
  • Wednesday 21 September
  •  Friday 23 September – 7pm JPA Year 7 Parents’ Social
  • Monday 26 September – 7pm Year 9  Parents’ Information Evening

Reporting Absences

A reminder to all parents to use this form to report absence in the Senior School due to illness or to request absence for appointments. This form can also be found on our Contact page.


Update from Deputy Head People

It was a privilege to deliver an assembly this week on the school’s core values, drawing on the Senior School’s positive Code of Conduct which was drawn up by students in 2018: Respect for Oneself, Respect for Others, Respect & Pride in our School, and Respect for our Learning.

The atmosphere at the start of term is immensely positive and I have been impressed with the wide range of co-curricular clubs and societies on offer, and the leadership skills and vision which Sixth Formers display through running them.

Mr Chappell and I have been working with the Head Girls to ensure that the Student Voice is heard and actioned across the school with immediate effect: School Council begins with a strategic reboot this half term, our Equity & Diversity prefects will be elected over the coming week, and we run another whole-school survey on race with Flair Impact at the start of October.

Personally, I have enjoyed meeting many parents and carers at the evening events and will spend a significant part of this term working on the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion initiatives which will characterise JAGS over the years to come.

Paul O’Dwyer, Deputy Head People 

Introducing . . .

Lucy Moorehead,

Assistant Head (Staff Development)

Our new Assistant Head is put through her paces by the Student Leadership Team

What was your last role?

I had a similar role as Director of Staff and Student Development at my previous school, St Marylebone CofE School. I have also been lucky enough to work in the corporate sector, in a prison and on a farm!

What is your role at JAGS?

My role at JAGS is Assistant Head (Staff Development) and Music Teacher (the greatest job in the world).

What attracted you to work at JAGS?

As I sat in the reception nervously awaiting my interview, every person who came through reception smiled warmly and said hello. Then this beautiful sound floated out of the VWA. With many years of experience, I was confident I was right that this gorgeous sound was a recording. It wasn’t, it was the Symphony Orchestra rehearsing. The interview concluded with a student panel in which the students were warm, welcoming and encouraging but not for a second did they shy away from asking tough and challenging questions. I loved this combination.

What kind of student were you?

I worked hard, I loved Maths and I was lucky enough to find my home in Music.

What do you want to achieve in your time here?

I’m not sure where my time here at JAGS will take me. I will do my very best and put the people of this wonderful school at the centre of my work here. First I have to figure out how not to get lost!



Key Stage 3 Update

The new Year 7s have exploded onto the scene here at JAGS. The sense of excitement on their first day was palpable and it has been an absolute pleasure to see how well they have settled and bonded since joining the senior school.

Their first fortnight will surely have felt like a whirlwind as they have been getting to grips with new routines, timetables, their co-curricular choices and learning teachers’ names. Their enthusiasm is infectious and they have been such a delightful group to get to know.

Lina, the Chaplain’s faithful hound, has never had so much attention and I know that she will be sadly missed by all the girls when Reverend Cecile moves on to her new parish.

It was lovely to meet so many Year 7 parents at the Information Evening. For the first time in a long time the beginning of term has felt like normal service has resumed.

Myfanwy Bournon, Head of KS3


  • Year 8 & 9 Parents’ Information Evenings

    In the coming weeks, the KS3 team look forward to welcoming the Year 8 and 9 parents for their Information Evenings. Tutors are looking forward to spending some time with the group and answering any questions that you might have.

    As I write this, the Year 9s will be waking up and making their way to breakfast on their third morning on PGL. I am very much looking forward to seeing the photographs and hearing their news.

    Overall, it has been a busy and enjoyable start to the Autumn Term and I wish all of the students a restful weekend.

Key Stage 4 Update

It’s a new academic year and the possibilities are endless: I cannot wait to see how this year unfolds! When we spoke to Years 10 and 11 in their year group assemblies last week, we reminded them that they do not have to be brilliant all the time, but to focus more on the processes they follow, to work consistently and sensibly, involve themselves in plenty of co-curricular activities and to make sure that rest and relaxation are prioritised. Along the way, we are here to support and guide all members of the section and we are so excited to work with all our students this year.

At the time of writing, our Year 11 Geographers are getting ready to go on their field trip to Slapton Sands this weekend, and meanwhile co-curricular clubs are up and running. Year 10 have had their first taste of the enrichment courses they elected, and there is a positive buzz in all the corridors. We hope that your daughter has enjoyed the return to school as much as we have.

Anna Jones, Head of Key Stage 4

Sixth Form Update

The Sixth Form community has made an energetic start to the new school year; full of fun, determination and exuberance.

Year 12 students arrived a day before Year 13s for their Induction Morning and we were so pleased to welcome such an inquisitive, kind and effervescent group of students into the Sixth Form community. Congratulations were certainly in order after performing tremendously during their GCSEs, despite the numerous challenges faced over the preceding two years.

As well as the various presentations about life on their Sixth Form journey together, they met their Form Tutor and the Year 12 half of their form group. It was also lovely to welcome students new to JAGS into our Sixth Form community.

Mat Weeks, Head of Sixth Form

  • This year also featured the inaugural Sixth Form Dulwich Village scavenger hunt. Competition was fierce but 1212Sa emerged victorious and won the edible prizes on offer, while the Sixth Form also gained a giant Connect 4 for a bit of fun in spare moments. A big thank you to Dr Parrish and Ms Barnes for organising it.

    The entire Sixth Form community look forward to seeing our Year 12s flourish on their own personal journey over the next two years. As ever, support and help will be coming from all quarters; Year 13s, the Sixth Form leadership team and of course Form Tutors and teachers.

  • UCAS Progress

    Year 13 students are now focussed on completing their UCAS applications, with their personal statements already looking to be in great shape. For those making early applications (15 October deadline) to Oxford, Cambridge and Medicine courses there will be an internal submission next week.
    We wish all students every success in their UCAS form completion and know that their determination and calibre will result in excellent applications.

  • ‘Lean in’ to your community

    Both Year 12s and Year 13s have been encouraged to ‘lean in’ to their community, whether that be Sixth Form, school, family, friendship, local or global. Personal benefits from a collaborative and engaging approach abound and of course enrich and support individual members of the community.

    We have seen plenty of examples of students collaborating with others within the Sixth Form and school community, for example the considerate and caring way in which School Prefects interact with lower school students on a daily basis. And long may this continue!

  • Alumnae Gap Year Panel

    Yesterday we saw a great example of alumnae from the Leavers 2021 section of our Sixth Form community reaching out to provide support and information to current students. Liz Allan, aided by Aamaal, convened an alumnae gap year panel.

    Students from Year 13 and 12 were fascinated to hear about the benefits of taking a gap year, interspersed with some funny stories about their lives after JAGS!

    A big thank you goes to Aamaal, Cordelia, Elllie, Elodie, Anushka, Jaya and Lana. We look forward to seeing you again and wish you good luck as you start university in the next few weeks.

Exam Results

This year heralded the return of the first public exams since 2019 following the Covid-19 pandemic. We are extremely proud of all that our GCSE and A level pupils achieved.

They displayed great tenacity, dedication and hard work during an unprecedented two years of upheaval. Their 2022 exam results continue the school’s tradition of outstanding attainment.

2022 GCSE Results

  • 91% of all results were Grade 9, 8 or 7 (equivalent to A* or A)
  • 76% of all results were Grade 9 or 8
  • 51 % of all results were Grade 9

2022 A level Results

  • 77% of all results were grade A* or A
  • 47% of all results were graded A*
  • 61% of our students gained at least 3 A* or A grades


JAGS tour of Salamanca

In July, 66 JAGS musicians travelled to the Salamanca region of Spain to perform a series of concerts in a variety of breathtaking venues.

It was the first international trip undertaken by JAGS since the beginning of the pandemic and marks a welcome return to travel for students and staff alike. We look forward to many more trips in the year ahead as the world once again opens up for pupils to explore.

“What a delight to be back touring with Holst Choir and Symphony Orchestra again! Sixty-six pupils gave four concerts in six days in central Spain – an extraordinary achievement and massively enjoyable!

“Venue 1 – an open-air one because the old church didn’t have a roof. Venue 2 – another open-air performance, this time in a 14th century castle, with the evening breeze whistling through the battlements as we made music – or tried, since the music kept blowing off the music stands!

“Venue 3 – in stark contrast, a state-of-the-art theatre with air conditioning was welcome relief from the heatwave!

“Nothing much could have beaten Venue 4 – the medieval cathedral in Salamanca to an audience of 500 appreciative locals. We received a 5-minute standing ovation after our rendition of Zadok the Priest and Jerusalem.”

Peter Gritton, Director of Music


The start of the school year has seen us enter our preseason period and we have had over 500 pupils attending sessions showcasing their ability and skills. During preseason we focus primarily on our traditional sports, with the return of our full co-curricular timetable commencing on Tuesday 20 September.

This year, as we have Games afternoons for Year 10s, we have been able to extend our Rowing Programme to more pupils. We now have 91 pupils signed up for the programme, ranging from Year 10 to 13, and are looking forward to seeing their progress across the year.

Michael Golding, Director of Sport 






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