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JAGS Wildlife Photographer Competition 2024

This year, budding JAGS photographers were tasked with creating images on the subject of time.

All of the work submitted was to an incredibly high standard, making our judges’ job especially difficult.

See below for the full list of Winners and Highly Commended entries.



Megan (Y12): “The photo was taken in the Yorkshire Dales and is of a mother and her calf. I found it striking to see the two generations side by side, as they appear so identical that it’s almost like seeing the same individual in two different stages of its life at once. It is representative of how time ages all living things.”

Charlotte (Y12): “When this photo was taken during the Summer in Ireland, none of the locals had seen velella velella for about two decades. However, mass stranding of the species on beaches are becoming increasingly common due to global warming, as when the ocean is warmer than the preceding winter strandings are more likely and occur more regularly. Whilst there was only one velella velella pictured in the photo, there were thousands washed up all over the beach. However, the next day I returned they were all gone, washed back into the ocean by the tide or eaten by predators. Thus, the picture represents both the unusual temporal frequency of seeing the species as well as the fleeting time that they can be viewed.”

Ava (Y11): “The result of the beach as time went on. Over time the flat sand gets tarnished with more and more footsteps as the day continued.”


Highly Commended

Trisha (Y13) 

Ms Freeman

Eliska (Y8)

Sumi (Y12)

Chloe (Y8)

Florence (Y8) 


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