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JAGS celebrates whole school Eco Week

Last week was the first Eco Week organised in collaboration with Dulwich College and Alleyn’s.

We had 6 teams from Year 11-13 taking part in the Mock COP with Dulwich College and Alleyn’s, representing the Marshall Island, Kenya, Japan, Bangladesh, China, and Saudi Arabia. They had pre-prepared a 2-minute opening speech from the perspective of their nations on three questions. Is sufficient progress being made on all country emission targets? Is your country willing to do more, even beyond its target? How far can cooperation on Cities, Energy, Forests & Food and Oceans help to raise ambition? These speeches were followed by interesting and well thought-out discussions and proposals on tackling climate change.

Saskia, a Year 13 student who took part said this of the event, “It was great practice for learning how to articulate our thoughts clearly and was really interesting to hear what other people had to say about climate change!”

Another highlight was the ‘Reused, Retro, Repurposed and Homemade’ own clothes day on Friday. Students and staff were encouraged to come into school in clothing they had bought second hand (reused), that used to be their parents or grandparents (retro), that they had adapted instead of throwing away (repurposed) or homemade (home sewn, knitted, crocheted). This was a fantastic day that showcased some amazing talents of our staff and students who make their own clothes. For example, Miss Davidson made her entire outfit including jeans and collared shirt! Ella crocheted a hat, jumper and top, Beatrice in Year 7 made a bag out of an old pair of dungarees and Nicole in Year 7 made a top out of a pair of old flared trousers.

Pupils in the Junior School enjoyed an array of exciting activities including nature walks, an eco-themed quiz, litter picking in the local community, a book swap, a cake sale and an eco-themed film night of “The Lorax.” Pupils also enjoyed wearing green on Friday.

All in all, we enjoyed a brilliant week and it was great to bring our community together for a collective and important cause.

JAGS Prep pupils on a nature walk


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